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A Noise-Free Servo-Spindle for High-speed NC Gear Grinding Machines
Takashi Emura, Lei Wang, Hisashi Nakamura, Masashi Yamanaka and Yasushi Teshigawara
Department of Mechatronics and Precision Engineering, Tohoku University
Aoba, Aramaki, Aobaks, Sendai, 980-77 Japan
Abstract- The authors developed a productive type NC (Numerically describe about the case of grinding-spindlein the followings.
Controlled) gear grinding machine for automobileplants, This NC ma- The grinding-spindleis driven by a high-power brushless ser-
chine requires high-accuracy synchronization between the grinding spin- vomotor. Since the maximum output voltage of the servo-
dle and workspindle. We must use high-power servomotors and servo-
amplifiers to satisfy the specification required for high-speed grinding. amplifier is limited to 200 V and the rated power of the ser-
However, since the high-power servo-amplifier causes very large ripple vomotor is 22 kW, the current of field coil has to be more than
of motor current at PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation) frequency and in- 200 A at a peak load. For this large current, a wire diameter of
duces strong noise, it becomes difficult to get the stable synchronous rota-
tion among spindles. Therefore, the authors tried to use two-phase type field coil became large, and the number of turns became a few
P U to achievenoise-free high-speed synchronous spindles and to reduce because of the limitation of winding space. Thus inductanceof
the noise caused by the current ripple with a kind of current filter. In this
paper, an approach for suppressingthe noise and experimental results are the field coil was constrained to a very small value. The mea-
descrlbed. sured inductance of one phase is about 30 pH at l kHz and it