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Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 38:154– 162
DOI 10.1007/s00170-007-1075-z
A clustering-based modeling scheme of the manufacturing
resources for process planning
Huan-Min Xu Dong-Bo Li
Received: 12 December 2006 / Accepted: 30 April 2007 /Published online: 14 June 2007
# Springer-Verlag London Limited 2007
Abstract Process planning determines how a product is to be preparations and the foundation of all production activities.
manufactured and, therefore, is one of the key elements in the In the past, the process planning activity has traditionally been
manufacturing process. The basic crux of computer-aided experience-based and has been performed manually by human
process planning (CAPP), however, is the diversity of process planners without computer involved in it. Manual
manufacturing background and the complexity of process process planning, however, involves some problems: for
planning. Since the process plans are generated on demand instance as lack of skilled planners, inconsistency of process
with the manufacturing resources on a shop floor, modeling plans due to variability among the planners ’ judgement and
method of the manufacturing resources is one of most im- experience, low efficiency in plan generation, slow response to
portant issues in computer-aided process planning. Hence, the the changes in practical manufacturing environment, and so
major objective of this research is to create a clustering-based on. To alleviate these problems, a computer-aided approach
modeling scheme of the manufacturing resources for process has been taken.
planning. This modeling scheme combines clustering method Since the idea of using computers in process planning
with averaging method so as to reasonably partition and activity was discussed b
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