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成人高等教育 题 目1.5Mt/a华北混合原油常压蒸馏工2011-6-19 1.5Mt/a华北混合原油常压蒸馏工艺设计摘 要:根据华北混合原油的评价报告和同类装置的生产数据,并结合我国燃料-润滑油市场的需求,确定该原油加工方案为燃料-润滑油型。本设计主要对初馏塔、常压塔和常压加热炉进行了工艺设计和计算,确定了各个装置的操作条件。常压塔采用38层双溢流F1型重浮阀塔盘,其塔径为3.8m,塔高30m,该塔设三个侧线,分别生产3#航煤、-10#柴油、10#柴油,另设两个中段回流,并根据气、液相负荷进行水力学计算;加热炉采用结构紧凑、金属耗量少的立式圆筒炉,其辐射室高16m,节圆直径为6.967m;对流室长4.817m,宽2.552m,高m。全炉热效率达86.%。最后,应用绘图软件AutoCAD绘制了该常压蒸馏工艺的流程图。 关键词:华北混合原油;初馏塔;常压蒸馏;加热炉;工艺计算 The Design for 1.5 Mt/a Atmospheric Distillation Unit of Huabei Mixed Crude oil Abstract:Accroding to the report of huabei mixed crude oil and the datas of the similar units, and combined the market needs of the fuel-lube in our country, it was determined that the processing scheme and cutting scheme of the oil was the type of fuel-lube. The whole design included the technology calculation of the primary tower, the atmospheric tower and the atmospheric furnace. The atmospheric tower used 38-storey and the type of two-tower overflow F1 float heavy valve. The diameter of tower was 3.8m and its height was 30m. The atmospheric tower was setted three side streams, i.e. the 3# jet fuel, -10 # diesel, 10 # diesel oil, and two intermediate circulating reflux. In addition, based on the vapor-liquid flow rate, the hydraulics calculation of the atmospheric tower was obtained.The furnace adopted vertical cylindrical type heater, which was well-unit-structured and consumed less metal. The radial chamber was 16m high and the pitch diameter was 6.967m. The convection chamber of the furnace was 4.817m long, 2.552m wide and 7.03m high. The efficiency of the entire furnace reached to 86.84%. Finally, the process flowchart of the unit was drawn by using the AutoCAD software. Key words:Huabei mixed crude oil; Primary tower; Atmospheric distillation; Furnace; Technology calculation 目 录 设计依据 设计能力 装置特点 工艺流程简述 2 原油加工方案及切割方案 华北混合原油加工方案 3 常压塔的工艺计算 初馏塔的工艺设计计算 常压塔的工艺设计计算 4 常压加热炉的工艺设计 加热炉总热负荷 燃烧过程计算 炉管内的压力降 烟囱的设计计算 5 结论 28 参考文献 致谢 1 绪 论 1.1 设计依据 本次


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