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检测监测评价技术 基于振动的管道泄漏检测系统 汪琪 洪凯星 陈祥献 黄海 ( 浙江大学 仪器科学与工程学系 杭州 310027) 摘 要:研制 了一种基于振动分析的管道泄漏检测系统。本文介绍了系统的硬件设计、实验验证方案以 及算法理论依据,包括传感器选择、信号采集与调理、CPU 模块等硬件模块以及实验方法、泄漏点定位算法等。 该系统通过采集管道的振动、压力、温度、流量等信号对管道泄漏时的信号进行处理与分析,采用广义互相 关算法,对信号分别进行三种加权处理并对比其结果。实验结果表明设计的系统能够快速、准确地对管道泄 漏点进行定位。 关键词:管道泄漏检测系统 传感器 数据采集 广义互相关算法 泄漏点定位 振动分析 Design of a Pipeline Vibration-based Leak Detection System Wang Qi Hong Kaixing Chen Xiangxian Huang Hai (Department of Instrumentation Science and Engineering of Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310013) Abstract This paper develops a pipeline leak detection system based on the vibration analysis method. It introduces the hardware designs, experimental methods and the based theory, such as selection of sensors, sampling and conditioning of vibration signals , CPU module, experimental methods, and the leak detection algorithm. The system uses the generalized cross-correlation (GCC) algorithm to analyze those signals, including vibration, temperature, flow and pressure. Then those signals are weighted by three methods, and these results are contrasted to choose the best way. The test result shows that this system could realize pipeline leak detection quickly and accurately. Keywords Pipeline leak detection system Sensors Data acquisition Generalized cross-correlation leak detection Vibration analysis X924.2 B 中图分类号: 文献标识码: - ( ) - - : . / . . - . . . 文章编号:1673 257X 2014 Z1 54 05 DOI 10 3969 j issn 1673 257X 2014 Z1 013 1 概述 与流量、温度以及泄漏量的关系,研究建立管道泄漏



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