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·l40 · 计算机应用研究 2005 年 基于数据融合的入侵防御模型* l l,2 3 刘林强 ,李学宝 ,任 圣 (l. 南京师范大学 计算机科学系,江苏 南京2l0097 ;2. 内蒙古科技大学 信息工程学院,内蒙古 包头0l3450 ; 3. 呼和浩特土默特中学,内蒙古 呼和浩特0l0022 ) 摘 要:首先分析了目前比较热门的入侵防御系统的体系结构,并指出了传统单个入侵防御系统会导致单点故 障、拒绝正常服务等一系列问题,同时还存在不能检测分布式协作攻击和未知攻击及性能等问题。为了解决传 统IPS 上述的缺点,在原有的两类入侵事件的基础上重新划分,把入侵事件分为三类,并结合多传感器数据融合技 术和入侵容忍技术提出一种深度入侵防御模型。最后通过仿真实验验证了该模型检测和防御入侵的可行性。 关键词:入侵防御;深度防御;数据融合 中图法分类号:TP393. 08 文献标识码:A 文章编号:l00l- 3695(2005 )07- 0l40- 03 An Intrusion Prevention ModeI Based on Data Fusion LIU Lin-giangl ,LI Xue-baol,2 ,REN Sheng3 (l. School of Mathematics Comp uter Science ,Nanj ing Normal Uniuersity ,Nanj ing Jiangsu 2l0097 ,China ;2. School of Inf ormation Engi- neering ,Inner Mongolia Uniuersity of Science Technology ,Baotou Inner Mongolia 0 l3450 ,China ;3. Middle School of Tumote ,Huhehot In- ner Mongolia 0 l0022 ,China ) Abstract :At first ,this paper anaIyses popuIar IPS in detaiI and points out it ’s advantage and insufficiency ,such as singIe- end faiIure ,deniaI-of-service and so on. At the same time traditionaI IPS do not detect distributed cooperation and unknown attack. The intrusion affairs are partitioned three kinds on the basis of two types. Combining data fusion aIgorithm of muIti-sen- sors and the intrusion toIerance ,a detection and defense-detection and response modeI based on defense in depth theory is pro- posed ,in order to soIve the probIem of the traditionaI IPS. In the end ,the simuIation resuIts vaIidate the feasibiIity of this modeI ’s detection and prevention of intrusion. Key words :Intrusion Prevention


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