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第26 卷第8 期 计算机应用 Voi. 26 No. 8 2006 年8 月 Computer Appiications Aug. 2006 文章编号:1001 - 9081(2006 )08 - 1898 - 02 基于日历的时序关联规则挖掘算法 1,2 2 崔晓军 ,薛永生 (1. 襄樊职业技术学院信息技术系,湖北 襄樊44 1050 ; 2 . 厦门大学 计算机科学系,福建 厦门361005 ) ( cxjxhy@ yeah. net) 摘 要:以日历格作为框架来研究时序关联规则,提出了一个有效的挖掘算法。在用户指定的日 历模式下,首先通过一次扫描产生所有的频繁2 项集及相应的1 *日历模式,在此基础上产生k *日 历模式,并利用聚集性质产生候选K 项集及相应的日历模式,最后扫描事务数据库产生所有的频繁 项集及其日历模式。实验证明,该算法具有较好的性能。 关键词:日历格;时序数据挖掘;关联规则 TP311. 13 文献标识码:A 中图分类号: Algorithm for mining calendar-based temporal association rules CUI Xiao-jun1, 2 , XUE Yong-sheng2 (1. Engineering Faculty, Ningbo Polytechnic College, Ningbo Zhej iang 315800, China ; 2. Dep artment of Inf ormation Technology, Xiangf an Vocational ani Technical College, Xiangf an Hubei 44 1050, China ) Abstract: An efficient aigorithm for temporai association ruies based on caiendar patterns was presented. A user-given caiendar schema was adopted to specify the interesting rime intervais as caiendar patterns. Then database was scanned once to find aii freguent 2-itemsets and their 1-star caiendar patterns. Aggregation property and Apriori property were utiiized to find aii candidate patterns. Finaiiy, caiendar-based temporai association ruies were obtained through scanning. The experimentai resuits indicate that this proposed aigorithm is feasibie and efficient. Key words: caiendar iattic


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