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34 1 V o.l 34 N o. 1 2009 1 JOURNA L OF CH INA COA L SOC IETY Jan. 2009 : 0253- 9993( 2009 01- 0 12 1- 04 赵 亮, 赵继云 ( , 22 1008 : 为了提高钻机核心部件 乳化液马达 的性能, 对乳化液马达的结构设计方法进 行了研究. 针对乳化液黏 低的特点, 将所设计的乳化液马达采用了阀式配流, 从而保证了较高 的容积效率. 通过对阀式配流径向柱塞乳化液马达的参数分析, 以减小马达体积和径向尺寸为目 标, 根据马达的性能要求零件强 装配与运动特点等确定约束条件, 建立了马达的两目标优 化设计数学模型. 利用M at lab优化工具箱进行优化设计实例计算, 获得了最佳的设计方案. : 钻机; 乳化液马达; 阀式配流; 优化设计 : TH 13751 : A Optim al d esign ing of m otor of em u lsion drill rig ZHAO L iang, ZHAO Jiyun (School of M echatronic Eng ineering, China University of M ining and Technology, Xuzhou 221008, China) Abs tract: In order to mi prove the service perform ance of emu lsion m otor w hich is the m ost mi portant com ponent o f dr ill rig, em u lsion m otor s structure and design m ethod w ere studied. Becau se o f the low v iscosity o f em ulsion, valve type o rifice w as u sed in emu lsion m otor and the vo lum etric effic iency w as ensued. On the basis of ana lyzing the param eters of va lve type or ifice rad ial piston em ulsion m oto r, em ulsion m otor s m athem at ical m odel w ith the pursu it of m in mi al vo lum e and radiu sw as established. Considering the feature of perform ance, m aterial intensity, assem bly and m ot ion etc. , the restra int cond itionsw as fixed. By m eans ofM atlab optmi izat ion technology, the best design w as acqu ired. K ey w ord s: drill rig; em ulsion m otor; valve type orifice; optmi a l designing ,


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