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18 中国农村水利水电 2009 年第7 期
: 2009)
张晓鹏, 张 鑫
( , 7 12 100)
: 区域水资源承载力是进行生态环境建设和确定社会经济发展的 础分析了水资源承载力的内涵及其评
价方法, 选取人均供水量水资源利用率单位 GDP 用水量供水模数需水模数生态用水率等6 个主要因素作为评价
指标, 建立了水资源承载力模糊综合评判模型, 并应用该模型对榆林市水资源进行综合评价结果表明: 榆林市水资源
开发利用已经达到相当规模, 在现有经济技术条件下, 该地区的水资源承载潜力已相对较小, 水资源供需矛盾突出同
时, 提出了提高水资源承载力的对策, 为今后的区域水资源开发利用提供依据
: 水资源承载力; 模糊综合评价法; 指标体系; 榆林市
: T V2 11. 1 : A
Research on Regional Water Resources Carrying Capacity Based
on the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method
ZHANG iaopeng , ZHANG in
( Colleg e of W ater Re our ce and A rchitectural Eng ineering ,
Northw e t agr icultural and Fore try Univer ity, Yangling 7 12 100 , Shaanx i Prov ince, China)
Abstract: Reg ional w ater re ource carry ing capacity i of gr eat import ance to ecoenv iro nmental co n tructio n and ocioeco no mic de
v elopment. T hi paper analy ze the definit ion of water r e our ce carry ing capacity and ev aluatio n met ho d ar e mentioned fir t ly . It
a e e the w ater carrying capacity mo del by u ing fuzzy co mpr ehen ive evaluation method which employ an indicator et wit h 6 in
dexe including aver age utilizable wat er re our ce per capita, w ater u ing per GDP, w ater re our ce u ing rat io, w ater upply mod
ule, wat er requirement module and u ingr ate of env iro nmental w ater, and thi model i applied to Y ulin City. T he r e ult how
that : w ater r e ource development and utilizatio n in Yulin City ha reached a con iderable cale under the ex i ting economic and tech
nolog ical co ndition , the potential of w ater re our ce i relatively mall, the co ntradictio n between water upply and demand i obv i
ou . At la t, countermea ure are propo ed to impr ov e t he w ater r e