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43 V ol. 43 2010 CHINA C IV IL ENGINEER ING JOURNAL 2010 1 1 2 王琼梅 王 刚 许淑芳 ( 1. , 610059; 2. , 710055) : , , ; , , ; , , , , , : ; ; ; + + : TU 398 . 2 TU 352. 1 1 : A : 1000131X ( 20 10)018205 An experim ental study on the seism ic beha ior of hollow RC shear wallm odel building 1 1 2 Wang Q iongm ei W ang Gang X u Shuf ang ( 1. N ational L abo ato y of Geohaza d P evention Geoenv i onm ent P o tect ion, Chengdu Un ive sity ofT echnology, Chengdu 610059, China; 2. X ian Un ive sity of A chitectu e and T echno logy, X ian 710055, Ch ina) Abstract: Based on the pseudodynam ic and pseudostatic unde lowcycle test of 10sto ey m ode l bu ild ing w ithout seam s and 6sto ey mode l bu ilding w ith seam s, the change of dynam ic cha acte istics, the failu e m echan ism, the defo m ation featu e and ductility of two type st uctu e a e discussed. T he esult of expe mi ental study p oved that, the capacity of ho llow shea w a ll is w ell; In e lastic stage, the ho llow shea w all a e h igh stiffness and little defo m ation; In elast icp lastic stage, the defo m ation is a ise, and the slit ho llow shea w all a e d iv ided into seve al little w alls, the p ope ty of ene gy dissipation of ho llow shea w a ll st uctu e is good. T he seism ic behavio of the slit and integ al ho llow shea w alls a e used in the mu ltisto y and low high ise building. K eywords: low ca bon; ho llow RC shea w al;l seism ic behavio ; hyste etic cu ve Emai:l w angq iongm e@i cdu .t c


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