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一. 毕业实践任务书 无 锡 职 业 技 术 学 院 毕 业 实 践 任 务 书 课题名称: 自 动 往 返 电 动 小 汽 车 指导教师: XXXXXXX 职 称:讲 师 指导教师: 职 称: 专业名称:XXXXXXXX 班 组:XXXXXX 学生姓名: XXXXXXX 学 号: 05 一. 课题需要完成的任务: 设计并制作一个能自动往返于起跑线与终点线间的小汽车。允许用玩具汽车改装,但不能用人工遥控(包括有线和无线遥控)。A B C D E F G 限速区 1m 0.5m 3-6m 3-6m 0.5m 图1跑道顶视图 跑道宽度0.5m,表面贴有白纸,两侧有挡板,挡板与地面垂直,其高度不低于20cm。在跑道的B、C、D、E、F、G各点处画有2cm宽的黑线,各段的长度如图1所示。 要求车辆从起跑线出发(出发前,车体不得超出起跑线),到达终点线后停留10秒,然后自动返回起跑线(允许倒车返回)。往返一次的时间应力求最短(从合上汽车电源开关开始计时)。达终点线和返回起跑线时,停车位置离起跑线和终点线偏差应最小(以车辆中心点与终点线或起跑线中心线之间距离作为偏差的测量值)。D~E间为限速区,车辆往返均要求以低速通过,通过时间不得少于8秒,但不允许在限速区内停车。Before the videocassette recorder there was the movie projector and screen. Perhaps you remember your fifth-grade teacher pulling down a screen—or Dad hanging a sheet on the wall, ready to show visiting friends the enthralling account of your summer vacation at the shore. Just as the film got started, the projector bulb often blew out.   Those days did have one advantage, though: the screen was light, paper-thin and could be rolled into a portable tube. Compare that with bulky television and computer screens, and the projector screen invokes more than just nostalgia. Could yesterdays convenience be married to todays technology?   The answer is yes, thanks to organic light-emitting materials that promise to make electronic viewing more convenient and ubiquitous. Used in displays, the organic materials are brighter, consume less energy and are easier to manufacture (thus potentially cheaper) than current options based on liquid crystals. Because organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) emit light, they consume significantly less power, especially in small sizes, than common liquid-crystal displays (LCDs), which require backlighting. OLEDs also offer several exciting advantages over common LEDs: the materials do not need to be crystalline (that is, composed


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