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安 徽 医 药 A nhu iM ed ica l and P ha rm aceu tica l J ou rna l 2005 Jun; 9 ( 6) 4·79 ·
高 捷 ,沃联群
(浙江医药高等专科学校 ,浙江 宁波 3 15100)
摘要 : 目前零售药店执业药师数量不足 ,严重影响了药学服务质量 。医药高职高专毕业生将是零售药店执业药师的主要后备
军 ,因此高职高专有必要建立培养执业药师后备力量的模式 。笔者根据 2 1世纪中国的零售药房营销模式论述了高职高专培养
执业药师后备力量的总体 目标 ,需达到此 目标应具备的技术能力 ,理论知识和应具有的职业道德 、外语水平 、自学能力 、创新意
识等方面的综合素质 ,并提出了要达到总目标和这些要求需构建理论教学 ,实践教学 ,素质教育三大教学体系 , 以培养适应 2 1
世纪中国零售药店发展的执业药师后备军 。
关键词 :培养模式 ;执业药师 ;零售药店 ;教学体系
On tra in ing m ode of licen sed pharmac ist’s
reserve force in the m ed ica l techn ica l college
GAO J ie, WO L ianqun
( Z hej iang P ha rm aceu tica l Colleg e, N ing bo 315010, Ch ina)
A b stract: Now the quantity of licen sed p harm acist is not enough in retail drug store , wh ich affected the pharm acy service s seriou sly.
Graduate studen ts of the techn ical co llege s w ill be reserve force, therefore it is nece ssary for the techn ical co llege s to e stab lish train ing
mode for th is. A ccording to m arketing mode of retail drug store of 2 1 century in Ch ina , The authors have focu sed on such po in ts a s ob
jectives of train ing, the techn ical ab ility needed, know ledge and other cap acitie s, including occup ation morals, foreign language level,
self - educated ab ility and so on, and sugge sted estab lish ing three teach ings system sw ith theorie s teach ing, p ractice teach ing, and quali
ty education to educate reserve force of licen sed p harm acist who can adap t them selve s to the developm ent of retail drug store of 2 1 century
in Ch ina. Key words: train ing mode; licen sed pharm acist; retail drug store; teach ing system
我国实施执业药师制度以来 ,执业药师队伍不断壮大 ,他 才去零售药店的寥寥无几 ,这里成为医药高职高专学生的主
们在药品生产 、经营 、使用等各个环节对药品质