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National Standard of the People’s Republic of China Determination of relative tinting strength of colored pigments and relative scattering power of white pigments—Photometric methods GB/T13451.2-92 This standard adopts equivalently the ISO787/24-1985’ General methods of test for pigments and extenders; Part 24: Determination of relative tinting strength of colored pigments and relative scattering power of white pigments—Photometric methods’. Content and application scope: This standard regulates the general test method using photometer to determine the 2 same pigments’ relative tinting power and 2 same white pigments relative scattering power. When this general method is unfit for some specific products, then should regulate one special method to determine relative tinting strength and relative scattering power of white pigments. Reference standard; GB 5211.16 Comparison of lighting power of white pigments GB 5211.19 Determination of relative tinting strength and colour on reduction of coloured pigments—visual comparison method. GB 9285 Raw materials for paints and varnishes—Sampling Definition Tinting strength: the ability of pigments to absorb income light, so it can have the ability, for example, let the added white coloue pigments colored or colour become dark. Absorption index : light absorption factor of the colored binder÷density of pigments Cm. Where: --spectral absorption factor, coloured pigments’ amount in material, unit to be expressed by the reciprocal of film. of thickness unit. Cm.—To express pigment density by using ratio of the quantity of pigment to binder. Relative tinting strength: the ratio of sample’s absorption index to standard sample’s absorption index , expressed by percentage. Scattering power: The power of pigment to scatter the income light, so after adding such pigment, the color paint has the ability of opaque and light. Scattering Index :the spectral scat


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