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2011 /01 总第 405期 商业研究 COMMERCIAL RESEARCH : 100 1- 148X ( 2011) 01- 0205- 07 第三方物流与我国零售业发展 1 2 邹 璇 , 曾路梅 ( 1. 重庆工商大学 长江上游经济研究中心, 重庆 400067; 2. 重庆工商大学 经济贸易学院, 重庆 400067) : 加入世界贸易组织后, 我国零售业获得了迅猛发 , 但也面临着物流配送的发 建设方 面投资不足运营效率低和成本高等严重挑战解决好这些难题建立完善的第三方物流体系, 对促进我国的零售业发 有着重大的意义依据第三方物流促进零售企业的发 理论, 针对我 国零售业存在的问题, 提出如何以发 第三方物流的方式促进我国零售业的发 : 第三方物流; 中国零售业; 促进作用 : F2511 : A Third- P arty L ogistics and D eve lopm en t of Chinas R etail T rade 1 2 ZOU X uan , ZENG Lu - m e 1. R esearch Center of E conomy of the Upp erR eaches of YangtzeR iver, Chong ing Technology and Business University, Chong ing 400067, China; 2. School of Econom ics and Trade, Chong ing T echnology and Business University, Chong ing 400067, China) A bstract: W th the access on to W TO, the reta l trade n Ch na has go tten rap d deve lopm ent. How ever, log st cs and d str but on are faced w th ser ou s cha llenges, such as nadequate nvestm ent n term s of the deve lopm ent o f construc t on, operat onal neff c ency and h gh cost. So lv ng these prob lem s to ach eve pe rfect TPL system has g rea t s gn f cance on prom ot ng the deve lopm en t of reta l trade. A m ng a t the prob lem s ex st ng n Ch nas re ta l trade, the art c le puts fo rw a rds how to prom ote the deve lopm ent of re ta l trade by m eans of deve lop ng TPL based on the theo ry ev dence tha t TPL prom otes the deve lopm ent o f reta l trade. K ey w ords: T h rd- Party log st cs; Ch nas re ta l tra


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