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摘要 水是生命之源,与人类的生活息息相关。在中国传统园林中就有“无水不成园”之说。随着中国景观设计的发展,水体是园林景观设计中不可缺少的一种元素。水体具有景观效果,改善环境,调节气候,控制噪音,提供生活用水,生产用水,提供体育娱乐活动场所,提供观赏性水生动物和植物的生长条件,为生物多样性创造必须环境等多种用途。由此可见,园林水体不仅仅是一种景观。水体越来越多的应用于园林景观设计中,通过对大量园林水体景观的观察,具体介绍水体景观的形成与多种用途,园林水体的种类,从多个角度论述了水景设计形态和理念的多样性和丰富性,总结出当代园林设计中的水景设计3大原则,并着重强调了水景设计在园林设计中的重要地位。在园林设计中应因地适宜充分考虑景观效果的同时最大限度的发挥其实用价值,让水景不仅仅作为一种景观存在于园林设计中,还要充分发挥起多种用途,让水体的景观性与实用性达到完美统一。 关键词 水体用途; 水体种类; 水体景观;水景设计原则?? Abstract Water is the source of life and human lives. In the traditional Chinese garden in there not a water park, said. With the development of landscape design, landscape design, water is an indispensable element. With the visual effects of water, improve the environment, climate regulation, control noise, to provide domestic water, process water, to provide sports and entertainment venues to provide ornamental aquatic animals and plant growth conditions for the creation of biological diversity must be the environment and other purposes. Thus, the water garden is not just a landscape. More and more water applied to landscape design, water gardens by the landscape of a large number of observations, specifically describes the formation of water landscape with a variety of uses, types of water gardens, water features are discussed from various angles form and concept design the diversity and richness, summed up the contemporary garden design, water feature design principle 3, and water features design highlighted the important position of garden design. In the landscape design should be appropriate to give full consideration to the landscape due to effects at the same time maximize it value, so that water features exist not only as a landscape garden design, should give full play to play a variety of purposes, so that the landscape water and practicality to achieve perfect unity. Key words :water bodies; water species; water landscape; waterscape design principles 目 录 引言 5 1园林水体的用途 5 1.1 5 1.2 5 1.3 5 1.4 5 1.5 5 1.6 6 1.7 6 1. 8 6 1.9 6 1.10



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