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20 , , , , , ( , 100088) [ ] 316L不锈钢是聚变堆包层候选结构材料, 为解决其氚渗透率较大的缺点, 在使用 必须采用防氚渗透涂层目前 看来, 铝基涂层发展潜力最大采用热浸镀铝法在不锈钢表面制备铁铝层, 并分析了镀层的组织结构以及温度和合金元素对其厚度 的影响结果表明: 热浸镀纯铝后, 镀层由表面铝层和合金层组成, 随浸铝温度的升高, 外层铝层减薄, 而内层合金层增厚明显, 镀层 总厚度并没有太大差异; 加入合金元素硅对减薄镀层的作用明显 [ ] 热浸镀; 镀铝; 镀层厚度; 硅 [ ] TG 174. 443 [] A [] 1001- 3660 ( 2009) 04 - 0020 - 03 Effects of Temperature andAlloy Element onHotdipAluminizing Process forDecreasing FeAl film Thickness HAN Sh ilei, LI H ua ling, WAN G Shu m ao, JI AN G L ij un, LI U X iao p eng, LI Yan ( Energy M ater a ls and T echnology Research Inst tute, General Research Inst tute for Nonferrou sM eta ls, B e j ng 100088, Ch na) [Abstract] One o f the m a n ssues n the des gn of b lankets for a future fus on reactor s the perm eat on of tr t um through the structure m ater al nto the secondary c rcu t. It sw e ll known that th n a lum na layer can reduce the hydrogen perm eat on rate by severa l orders of m agn tude. A techn que o f hot d p alum n z ng process that prepar ng FeA l f lm on surface o f sta n less steels have been stud ed. T he results show that, accord ng to experm ents that have been done n pure A ,l two d st nct reg ons of the coat ng cou ld be dent f ed: the outer alum num layer, the nterm eta ll c com pound. W hen the mm ers ng temperature w as e levated, the th ckness of the nterm eta ll c layer ncreased, wh le the outer layer de creased. W th the add t on o f a lloy elem ent S n to the m elt A l, t cou ld be eas ly observed that S had a s gn f cant nflu ence on the th ckness and the m o rphology o f the coat ng. T he presence o f certa n level of S n the m o lten alum num he lped n reduc ng the th ckness of the nterm etall c layer.


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