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2013年1月27日托福阅读真题解析 第一篇:   亚欧交界地带(Eurasia)早期文明起源:   1、气候寒冷,需要掌握用火技术来保暖。   2、气候寒冷,冬季植物枯死,只能以打猎为生。但打猎有种种困难,比如野兽会反抗。   3、为了过冬,需要有储藏食物的设施,这需要较高的技术水平。   4、打猎、过冬都依赖于传递信息、组织和计划等较高级的人类活动。   以上需求共同作用,刺激当地人发展出早期文明。   解析:   hunting and gathering culture   also called foraging culture   A foraging economy usually demands an extensive land area; it has been estimated that people who depend on such methods must have available 18 to 1,300 square km (7 to 500 square miles) of land per capita, depending upon local environmental conditions. Permanent villages or towns are generally possible only where food supplies are unusually abundant and reliable; the numerous rivers and streams of the Pacific Northwest, for instance, allowed Native Americans access to two unusually plentiful wild resources—acorns and fish, especially salmon—that supported the construction of large permanent villages and enabled the people to reach higher population densities than if they had relied upon terrestrial mammals for the bulk of their subsistence.   Conditions of such abundance are rare, and most foraging groups must move whenever the local supply of food begins to be exhausted. In these cases possessions are limited to what can be carried from one camp to another. As housing must also be transported or made on the spot, it is usually simple, comprising huts, tents, or lean-tos made of plant materials or the skins of animals. Social groups are necessarily small, because only a limited number of people can congregate together without quickly exhausting the food resources of a locality; such groups typically comprise either extended family units or a number of related families collected together in a band. An individual band is generally small in number, typically with no more than 30 individuals if moving on foot, or perhaps 100 in a group with horses or other means of transport. However, each band is known across a wide area because all residents of a given region are typically tied to one another throu


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