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2013年9月1日托福阅读真题解析 第一篇 TOPIC 英国颁布法律对英国及其美国殖民地的影响 讲英国和美国殖民地出台的一个法律,关于贸易的。这个法案限制美国对英国出口,进口也必须用到英国的船只等等,都是用来维护英国殖民者而限制美国的贸易的。 解析:本文属历史类话题,是比较常出现的与欧美经济贸易相关的话题,但是考察美国作为英国殖民地时期的内容相对较少,大家可结合下面的文段对该话题有更好的了解。 Even before the first boatload of Englishmen landed at Jamestown, Virginia, European countries had experimented with empire-building, engaging in the system of mercantilism. Although it was never a cohesive system, and changed from nation to nation, its variations had similar characteristics and, most important, a shared economic philosophy. First and foremost was state control over human behavior: the belief that many aspects of a nations economy had to be regulated. With the acquisition of colonies came the recognition that their purpose was to satisfy the needs of the mother country. The regulation of economic activities in the colonies, then, centered around the accumulation of wealth for the European powers, at the colonies expense. The degree of control varied according to the nation. In the 1500s, Spain and Portugal exerted strict control over their colonial inhabitants. However, the British were more lax in governing their colonies. For the first 150 years after the initial settlement at Plymouth, in Massachusetts, English control over the colonies was minimal. With all her involvement with European nations in wars of conquest, little energy or time was available to dictate the colonies economic options. Three thousand miles of ocean made it difficult to monitor such a policy. Nevertheless, as the colonies grew and became more prosperous, the English realized that the colonies could provide increased trade, if competition could be eliminated. Americans had established profitable trade with other countries, notably the Dutch. In order to increase her wealth, Britain tightened the economic noose around the neck of the colonies by implementing regulatory policies, thus changing in degree her relationship with the colonies. From 1650 on, England instituted a series o


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