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中学语文探究性学习中教师的功能转变 摘要 作为连接义务教育与高等教育的桥梁,高中教育处于相当重要的环节。以往的教学,教师在教学中,仅仅注重学生基础知识和基本能力的语文学习能力,而忽视学生的思维能力、思维习惯的培养。然后,新一轮的课程改革的要求对学生的素质要求不断提高,特别是学生思维能力和思维意识的培养。。受到国外探究性教学的影响,我国的教育工作者,也开始对探究性思维教学模式和教学实践进行研究。本文基于对中学语文教师的功能进行分析,以中学语文探究性学习中教师的角色转变为主要研究的问题。探究性学习是在知识经济时代提出来的教育教学方面的改革,提出语文教师如何进行功能定位以利于语文教学质量的提升。通过对六所中学的教师和学生进行调查问卷,得出了探究方法在语文教学中的效果作用以及语文教师在探究性学习中所起到的功能。通过对语文教师功能转变的研究,得出语文教师如何定位如何在自己的本位中起到真正提升学生素质,为了学生能够真正适应社会发展的需要的作用。 关键词:中学语文;探究性学习;教师;功能 Abstract As a bridge between compulsory education and higher education, high school education is a very important link. In the world, many developed countries take high school education as the basis of the whole national education and senior high school students in China accounted for the proportion of their peers is much lower than the average level of other countries. As a result, many education experts, scholars think that our country must draw lessons from the successful experience of other countries around the world popularizing high school education, which will be the focus of education development in our country, gradually extending to the high school education, is Chinas national quality to a new level. In order to improve the teaching quality, and at the same time in order to really improve students quality and in order that students can truly meet the needs of the development of society, education needs to reform unceasingly,teachers should pay attention to the basic knowledge and basic ability of language learning ability and ignore the cultivation of students thinking ability, thinking habit. Then, a new curriculum reform is demanded on the students quality, especially the cultivation of students thinking ability and thinking. In this context, the study of teaching theory in China is increasing. With the influence of the exploratory teaching abroad, Chinas education workers also started to explore thinking to study the teaching mode and teaching practice. In this paper, the main research content is the teacher


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