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Hotel service guide2

服 务 指 南 Hotel Service Directory 石家庄新时代大饭店 Shi Jiazhuang New Times Hotel 尊敬的来宾: Distinguished guests: 欢迎阁下光临石家庄新时代大饭店,我们非常荣幸地在这本服务指南中为您介绍本酒店所提供的各项完善的服务。阁下如需要任何其他的服务,请与大堂副理联络,电话“61200”,我们将尽所能为您效劳。 Welcome to the Shi Jiazhuang New Times Hotel. It is our great honour to introduce our satisfactory services through this Services Directory. If you need any other services,please contact the assistant manager by phone 61200, we will do our best to serve you. 石家庄新时代大饭店谨启 Yours sincerely, Shi Jiazhuang New Times Hotel 宾 客 须 知 Guidelines For Guests 一、住宿必须登记,登记时应出示有效的可以证明身份的护照、介绍信、身份证或其他证件。 Registration are needed when check in. Please provide valid ID identification such as passport, letter of introduction, I.D. card or other certificates. 二、严禁传染病者登记入住。 Guests with contagious diseases are not accepted. 三、爱护饭店财物,如有损坏按规定赔偿。 Take good care of propeties in the hotel, if damaged, subject to price compensation. 四、不准私自留客人住宿或转让床位,住店宾客临时出外住宿时,须事先通知酒店。 Letting others to stay and unauthorized transfer of beds are not allowed. For temporary accommodation outside the hotel, please inform the hotel in advance. 五、严禁将易燃、易爆、剧毒和放射性等危险品带入酒店。 It is strictly forbidden to bring dangerous articles such as inflammables, explosives, poisonous materials and radioactive materials into the hotel. 六、携带枪支、武器的,必须据实登记,自行妥善保管或交当地公安机关、酒店保卫部门保存。 Guests who carry firearms, weapons are required to register truthfully, and take good care of their own or hand over to the local Public Security Organs or to the Security Department of the hotel. 七、严禁在酒店内嫖娼、吸毒和聚赌等违法犯罪活动。 Prostitution, gambling, drug abuse and other illegal or criminal activities are strictly prohibited in the hotel. 电 话 指 南 The Telephone Directory 总机 Switchboard 本饭店采用虚拟人网,可直拨国际国内及各大城市,饭店总机外线;内线“1”(郊县及信息台电话按国家规定收费) Virtual human network is adopted in the hotel. International Direct Dial and Domestic Direct Dial are available. Dial to an outside line, and dial “1” to an inside line. (Phone to the suburb or question authori


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