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商务中心 Business Center Correction fluid [’flu:?d] 涂改液 Paper clip 回形针 Safety pin 安全别针 Stapler 订书机 Folder 文件夹 Scissors 剪刀 Data wire 数据线 Original 原件 Enlarge 放大 复印 1、How many copies would you like? 您需要复印多少份? 2、Would you like me to staple these for you? 我为您装订好这些好吗? 3、Shall I staple them on the left or at the top? 我是装订在左侧还是上边呢? 4、Shall I copy these on both sides to the paper? 我进行双面复印好吗? 5、Your original is not very clear. I can’t guarantee the copy will be good. 您的原件不太清晰,我不能保证复印件的效果很好。 6、The machine is out of order. 机器出故障了。 7、Would you like me to make it a little darker/lighter? 要不要我(把颜色)调深/浅一些? 8、I’ll call you as soon as the machine is fixed. 机器一修好,我就会给你打电话。 收发传真 1、I’d like to send a fax. 我想要发份传真。 2、To where? 发去哪里? 3、What’s the rate? 你们如何收费? 4、To* *it’s 10yuan per minute, including/excluding service charge. 发传真到**是每分钟10元,包括/不包括服务费。 5、Please write down the country code, the area code and their number. 请写下国家代号、区号和对方的号码。 6、Shall I make a copy of this, and then send the copy? 我复印一份,然后将复印件传真过去好吗? 7、Mr.**,this is **from the business center. We have received a fax for you. **先生,我是商务中心的**。我们收到您的一份传真。 打字 1、What font and size would you like? 您想要什么字体,多大号的? 2、Shall I make the space larger? 我把行距拉开一些好吗? 3、Could you check it? 您检查一下好吗? 4、Shall I save it on your disk? 我把它存在您的磁盘上好吗? Business class 商务舱 Luxurious [l?ɡ’zju?ri?s] class 豪华舱 Economy [I’k?n?mi] class 经济舱 Day ticket 一日票 One way ticket 单程票 Round trip ticket 双程票 1、Is there a NON-STOP flight to London? 有直达伦敦的航班吗? 2、I’d like a non-smoking seat. 我想要非吸烟区的座位。 3、I’d like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago? 我要预订去芝加哥的卧铺。 4、How long is the ticket valid? 这车票的有效期是多久? 1、Which day’s tickets would you like? 您要哪一天的票? 2、Which seats would you like? 你要什么座位? 3、First class or economy class? 头等舱还是经济舱? 4、Which train would you like to take? 您想坐哪次车? 5、A seat or a berth? 您要座位还是卧铺? 6、


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