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 22   1       Vol.22 No.1   2000    1 Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Jan.,  2000  21 Env ironmental geotechnology-perspect ive in the 21st century 方晓阳 ()   , 。 80 , :①、 ;②;③ 。, 。  , , , , , , , +  TU 411, TU 46 2, X 5, X 7  , , , , 。 , 。80 , ;1986 ;1989 -- , , 。 Hsai -Yang F ang (Center for Environmental Engin eerin g, Science and Tech nology, University of Massachusetts-Lowell, Lowell, MA 01854-2881, USA) Abstract This paper explains why the environmental aspects of geotechnology urgently need to be evaluated.Also discussed is why the current appr oach in geotechnical engineering is not effective for studying the soil-envir onm ent interaction.Refinement of particle-energy-field theory pr oposed in late 1980s by the author is made with special emph asi es on the applications to sen- sitive ecological geotechnology, such as:(1)mechanisms of wet-dry, swell-shrinkage and free e-thaw cycles of soil;(2)soil contamination and decon tamination mechanisms and processes;(3)contr olling the radioactive nuclear wastes and radon gas.Fi- nally, two most challenging envir onm ental geotechnical proj ects as examples are used to illustrate how interdisciplinary and com- plex nature of envir onmental geotechnical pr oblems will be. Key w ords contamination, decontamination, ecology, envir onmen t, geotechnology, nuclear wastes, radon gas, solar energy ,②、、, ③ 1     , ④。 ,、 ,: ,。 。 , 、 、、 。, 。 。, 。 ,,、


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