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* 直译的例子: crocodile tears 鳄鱼的眼泪;armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿; chain reaction 连锁反应;gentlemen’s agreement 君子协定 one country, two systems 一国两制; paper tiger 纸老虎;the long sleep 长眠;see Marx 见马克思;go west 上西天;go to heaven 上天堂;kick the bucket 蹬腿 意译的例子: It rains cats and dogs / at sixes and sevens /Adam’s apple * 原诗中的king是一般性说法,没有任何特殊的文化色彩,可是一旦变成了中国古代和平盛世代名词“尧舜”,就染上了强烈的汉民族色彩。 The End * * 翻译是什么?就好比妈妈带着小孩换乘交通工具,两种运输工具。两者都要求内容没有变化,要求过程顺畅。 * Translation - with time and access to resources such as dictionaries - There is a very high standard of accuracy for translation Interpretation usually takes place on the spot with the clients present deals with utterances (although the source language may be a text). * * * 杨宪益: 中国著名翻译家、外国文学研究专家、诗人。杨宪益曾与夫人戴乃迭合作翻译全本《红楼梦》、全本《儒林外史》等多部中国历史名著 季羡林:国学大师, 中国著名文学家、语言学家、教育家和社会活动家,翻译家,散文家,精通12国语言。曾历任中国科学院哲学社会科学部委员、北京大学副校长、中国社科院南亚研究所所长 * Yang is familiar with Eastern and Western cultures and has notable achievements in Chinese and Western languages. He has also made outstanding contributions to cross-cultural communication by introducing Chinese culture to the rest of the world. Moreover, he has rendered a great number of Chinese literary works into English and introduced Chinese readers to many Western classics. ( The scholars) * 我国的笔译传统虽然起始于《说苑·善说》里记载的《越人歌》,但《越人歌》只是一个孤立的翻译活动,它并没有触发一场大规模的翻译运动。我国翻译历史上第 一个高潮即佛经翻译的高潮,一直到西域高僧安世高于公元148年来洛阳之后才开始形成。而在西方,公元前三世纪中叶安德罗尼柯用拉丁文翻译的荷马史诗《奥 德赛》,却成了西方翻译史上第一大高潮的先导。 * 越人歌》是中国文学史上较早的明确歌颂恋情的诗歌,它和楚国的其他民间诗歌一起成为《楚辞》的艺术源头。《越人歌》出自汉代刘向《说苑》 * * * he Luther Bible is a German Bible translation by Martin Luther, first printed with both testaments in 1534. This translation is considered to be largely responsible for the evolution of the modern German language. The task of translating the Bible which he thus assumed was to absorb him until the end of his life.[1] While he was sequestered in the Wartburg Castle (1521–1522) Luther began to translate the New Testament into German in order to make it more accessi


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