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Regional Anatomy The pectoral region and axillary region Ⅰ. The pectoral region 1. Surface anatomy 表面解剖 2. The superficial structures 浅层结构 Superficial veins 浅静脉 Superficial lymph vessels 浅淋巴管 Cutaneous nerves 皮神经 3. The deep structures 深层结构 The deep fascia 深筋膜 The muscles 肌肉 The vessels 血管 The nerves 神经 4. Regional anatomy 局部解剖 The breast (mamma) 乳房 The clavipectoral fascia 锁胸筋膜 The cutaneous nerves皮神经 The superficial blood vessels 浅血管 The superficial lymphatic vessels 浅淋巴管 The breast 乳房 The muscles of thorax Extrinsic muscles Pectoralis major 胸大肌 Pectoralis minor 胸小肌 Serratus anterior 前锯肌 Intrinsic muscles Intercostales externi 肋间外肌 Intercostales interni 肋间内肌 Intercostales intimi 肋间最内肌 Mamma 乳房 Position Lie in superficial fascia over the pectorals major and pectoral fascia Extend from 3rd to 7th ribs vertically, and from parasternal line to midaxillary line transversally Structures -contains skin, mammary glands and adipose tissue Each brest has about 15~20 lobes of mammary gland Each lobe radiates out from the nipple and has a lactiferous duct 输乳管 which opens separately on the summit of the nipple and possesses a dilated lactiferous sinuses 输乳管窦 just prior to its termination Suspensory ligaments of breast 乳房悬韧带(cooper’s ligaments ) -strands of connective tissue runs between skin and deep fascia and serve to support the mammary glands The deep faxcia which extends between subclavius, coracoid process and pectoralis minor muscles The structures pass through the clavipectoral faxcia Cephalic v. Thoracoacromial a. Lateral pectoral n. 锁胸筋膜及其穿行结构 锁胸筋膜及其穿行结构 Ⅱ. The axillary region Axillary fossa 腋窝 一尖一底四个壁 The axillary fossa is a pyramid-shaped space through which major neurovascular structures pass between the thorax and upper extremity The apex is a triangular space limited by the first rib, the scapula, and the middle third of clavicle. The base-skin and fascia of t


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