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Asyn-SimRank:一种可异步执行的大规模 SimRank 算法.pdf
DOI :10 .7544/issn1000‐1239 .2015
Journal of Computer Research and Development 52(7):1567 1579 ,2015
Asyn‐SimRank :SimRank
1 2 1 2 1 3
1 ( 110819)
2 ( 110819)
3 ( 01003)
(zhangyf@ cc .neu .edu .cn )
Asyn‐SimRank :An Asynchronous Large‐Scale SimRank Algorithm
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Wang Chunlei ,Zhang Yanf eng ,Bao Y ubin ,Zhao Chang kuan ,Y u Ge ,and Gao Lixin
1 (I ns titute of Comp ute r Sof tw are , College of I nf ormation Sc ience and Eng inee r ing , N o rtheas te rn Univ e rs ity , Sheny ang
2 (Comp ute r Cente r , N ortheas te rn Univ e rs ity , Sheny ang 110819)
3 (Dep artment of E lectr ical and Comp ute r Eng inee r ing ,Univ e rs ity of M ass achusetts A mhe rs t ,A mhe rs t ,U .S .01003)
Abstract T he Sim Rank algorithm , w hich ex ploit s netw ork structure to measure the similarity
betw een node pairs , has been w idely used in many areas , such as online social netw orks and link
prediction .In recent y ears , w ith the development of big data , the input data set of the Sim Rank
algorithm is constantly increasing . People are utilizing distributed computing models , such as
M apReduce , to desig n large‐scale Sim Rank algorithm f or solving the big data problems . How ever ,
since Sim Rank algorithm contains a high ‐co st iterative process w ith sy nchronization barriers betw een
iterations and the computational complex ity is high in each iteration , the large‐scale Sim Rank
computation does not result in the satisf actory perf ormance . In this paper , 1 )We propo