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2005 年6 月 北 京 邮 电 大 学 学 报 Jun. 2005
第28 卷 第3 期 JournaI of Beijing University of Posts and TeIecommunications VoI. 28 No. 3
文章编号:1007-5321(2005 )03-0100-03
一种基于Elgamal 数字签名的双向用户鉴别方案
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邱慧敏 , 杨义先 , 胡正名 , 周锡增
(1. 北京邮电大学 信息安全中心,北京 100876 ;2. 台湾元智大学,台湾000320 )
摘要:提出了一种实用的基于EIgamaI 数字签名和零知识证明的双向用户鉴别方案,通过随机数和在线的挑战-响
秘密信息的安全可靠,有效地解决了用户鉴别方案中密钥信息的安全分配与存储问题. 最后,在离散对数计算困难
关 键 词:用户认证;离散对数;数字签名
TN309. 2 文献标识码:A
A Two-way User Authentication Scheme Based on Elgamal Digital Signature
1 1 1 2
OIU Hui-min , YANg Yi-xian , HU Zheng-ming , Zhou Xi-zeng
(1. Information Security Center ,Beijing University of Posts and TeIecommunications ,Beijing 100876 ,China ;
2. Yuanze University of Taiwan ,Taiwan 000320 ,China )
Abstract :Based on EIgamaI digitaI signature and zero-knowIedge ,a practicaI two-way user authentica-
tion scheme was presented. It was obtained that reIiabiIity and avaiIabiIity of reguest information couId be
improved through random number and onIine chaIIenge-response interactive system. Meantime ,the prob-
Iem about key distribution and storage reIated to user authentication scheme was soIved secureIy and ef-
fectiveIy by using smart card ,and highIy security of user information was acguired accordingIy as weII.
As a concIusion ,the securities of the proposed scheme under the assumption about the difficuIty of com-
puting discrete Iogari