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LABOUR CODE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION NO. 197-FZ OF DECEMBER 30, 2001 (with the Amendments and Additions of July 24, 25, 2002, June 30, 2003, April 27, August 22, December 29, 2004, May 9, 2005, June 30, December 18, 30, 2006, April 20, July 21, October 1, 18, December 1, 2007, February 28, July 22, 23, December 25, 30, 2008) Adopted by the State Duma on December 21, 2001 Approved by the Council of the Federation on December 26, 2001 In accordance with Federal Law No. 79-FZ of July 27, 2004, which shall enter into force upon the expiry of six months after its official publication, the terms of the present Code shall apply to relations arising from state civil service, in the part not regulated by the above-mentioned Federal Law Part 1 Section I. General Provisions Chapter 1. Fundamentals of Labour Legislation Federal Law No. 90-FZ of June 30, 2006 amended Article 1 of this Code. The amendments shall enter into force upon the expiry of ninety days after the official publication of said Federal Law See the Article in the previous wording Article 1. Goals and Tasks of Labour Legislation The goals of labour legislation shall be the institution of state guarantees of labour rights and liberties of citizens, creation of favorable labour conditions, protection of the rights and interests of employees and employers. The main task of the labour legislation is creation of the necessary legal conditions to achieve the optimal coordination of the interests of the parties of labour relations, interests of the state, as well as legal regulation of labour relations and other relations directly associated with them in: organisation of labour and labour management; employment with a given employer; professional training, retraining and professional development of employees at the given employer; social partnership, carrying out collective negotiations, concluding collective contracts and agreements; participation of employees and trade unions in the establishment of working conditio


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