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INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LAW 法律系 向玉兰 Chapter 10 International Commercial Arbitration Main Points of this Chapter Options to resolve a dispute/Alternative Dispute Resolution Arbitration and International Commercial arbitration International commercial arbitration agreement Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards Chapter 10 International Commercial Arbitration I. Options to resolve a dispute P313-315 Negotiation: the process of reaching an agreement by discussion. Mediation and conciliation(调解和调停): the process during which a third party transmits and interprets the proposals of the principal parties and sometimes advances independent proposals. Chapter 10 International Commercial Arbitration II. Arbitration (I) definition and advantages of arbitration 1. definition Arbitration is a method of dispute resolution by which a dispute is presented to one or more neutral third parties who are usually agreed to by the disputing parties and whose decision is binding . 是争议双方依据其达成的协议将争议提交仲裁机构裁决,且其裁决对当事双方具有约束力的争议解决方法。 Chapter 10 International Commercial Arbitration 2. advantages (1) final and binding decisions 一裁终局 (2) party autonomy 契约自由/充分尊重当事人意思自治 (3) confidentiality 私密性/不公开审理(preventing trade secrets from being disclosed) (4)impartiality 公正性 (5) international recognition and enforcement of Arbitral awards (裁决的国际执行力) Chapter 10 International Commercial Arbitration II. International Commercial Arbitration (I) Definition International Commercial Arbitration is the process of resolving business disputes between or among transnational parties by an arbitration institute or arbitrators who will hear the dispute and render a binding decision on the ground of the arbitration agreements reached by the parties and at the request of one party to the dispute. 国际商事仲裁是指仲裁机构或仲裁员根据当事人事前或事后达成的仲裁协议和当事人一方的仲裁申请,对国际经济贸易活动中的争议进行审理并作出裁决的制度。 Chapter 10 International Commercial Arbitration (II) arbitration agreement and arbitration clause P332 1. Definition
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