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管理科學研究 2007第二屆管理與決策學術研討會特刊 第 155-168頁 提升生產製造系統組裝作業績效之研究 A Study to Enhance the Assembly Operation Efficiency of Production Manufacturing System 黃允成 1 蔡志宏2 摘要 液晶面板模組廠為一勞力密集之產業,在 生產加工過程中,需僱用大量作業員進 行在製品組裝作業,但大量的作業人力不但會使得企業付 出更多的人工成本,亦容易 因工作指派不佳而造成生產線 失去平衡,不僅使得生產績效變差,作業員工作滿意度 也會隨之降低。故本研究以個 案公司為例,在了解少量多樣的生產模式與製造現場工 作環境後,首先利用攝影機、 流程程序圖等工具,記錄作業員現況組裝作業內容,並 訂定現況改善前各項指標,例 如:生產線平衡率、每日目標產能、作業人力需求、製 品不良率及單件完工時間等, 以做為衡量改善後之成效。其次是以剔除、合併、重排 及簡化等改善手法,針對各工作站進行分析與實務上試作,此試作型態共有 A 、B 、C 及 D 等四種,在此四種型態試作後,並經統計之假設檢定驗證,以 D 型態作業方式在 各項指標表現上較佳。最後, 提出本研究六項結論,並提供個案研究公司參考,以彰 顯研究之價值。 關鍵詞: 生產線平衡、生產績效、面板模組廠、組裝作業 Abstracts The liquid crystal module(LCM) factory is the most labor-consuming industry. In the whole production process, this stage need to employ large number of operators to assemble work in progress . But the manpower-consuming makes companies not only more labor cost but also production unbalanced due to non-well working assignment. Besides, it may causes the worse production performance and lower employee-satisfaction. In this study, after understanding the high-mix and low –volume of production model and manufacturing environment, we record operators’ current working condition of assembly using digital video camera , production process flow or classification of instrument. And we also set up each index before the condition improved such as production balance rate , daily objective target , production manpower demand to non conformance product rate and unit completion time, to work on improvement results. Next, we proceed trial work analysis on each operation station using some improved techniques like eliminating, merging and combining, rearranging and simplify modi


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