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2 8 6 Vo l. 28 No . 6
2008 12 J ournal o f Pr oj ectiles, Ro ckets, M issiles and G uidance Dec 2008
基于HFSS 的微带对数周期天线改进与仿真
李海农, 侯新宇
, 710072)
: ,
, H FSS V 10 , V SWR
, ,
: ; HF SS;
: TN821 : A
Modification and Simulation of Microstrip
LogPeriodicAntenna by HFSS
L I Haino ng , H O U Xinyu
School of Electr onic and Infor matio n, No rthw est ern Polytechnical U niv ersity , Xi an 710072 , China)
Abstract:T he micro strip lo g perio dic antenna w as discu ssed and analyzed. So me methods w ere dev elo ped t o improv e the
bandw idth of micr ostr ip antenna. T hen , the or ig inal and impr oved antennas w ere simulated by HF SS V 10 , and the
VSW R cor respo nding f ig ur es w ere displayed . T he simulat ion results show that the antenna perfo rmance can be im
pro ved w ith t he methods . T he r esult can be ref err ed to antenna desig n.
eywords:m icrostr ip lo g periodic antenna; H FSS; bandw idth
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