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宾馆管理系统 ——系统软件设计 摘要:随着我国经济的迅速发展和假日经济的出现,宾馆业在出现利好的同时也面临着激烈的竞争。一方面,经济的发展和假日经济的出现给宾馆提供了充足的客源,另一方面,宾馆的数量越来越多且人们对宾馆的服务要求越来越高。为此宾馆必须从自身内部去抓,主要是提高宾馆的服务质量,而采用现代化的管理是提高服务质量的重要手段之一。针对这一现状,本文设计了一套宾馆管理系统,它在提高服务质量、降低宾馆运营成本的同时也增强了宾馆的竞争力。 本系统主要由两部分组成:数据库部分和软件设计部分,其中软件设计部分由我负责完成。系统的功能主要包括:身份验证;客房信息管理;订房信息管理;结算信息管理。本文首先介绍了课题的研究背景,意义以及目的,接着就宾馆管理业现状进行系统分析,根据需求分析设计出了系统的功能模块图,最后对每一功能模块逐一详细介绍。 关键词:数据库技术;MFC;SQL Server 2000;宾馆管理系统 Guesthouse management system Abstract:With the rapid development of our country economy and appearance of holiday economy,the guesthouse industry faces to great advantage as well as competition. On the one hand, the economical development and holiday economys appearance have provided the sufficient source of tourists to the guesthouse, On the other hand, with the increasing number of guesthouses, people demand quality of service more and more. Therefore the guesthouse must have been developed , using modern management is one mean of improving the quality of service. In view of this present situation, this paper has designed a guesthouse management system, it not only can improve the quality of service, reduce the guesthouse operation cost but also strengthen the competitive power of guesthouse. This system is mainly composed of two parts: Database part and software design part, the software design part is completed by me. Systems function mainly includes: login; the management of room; the management of balance in hand and so on. Firstly, the paper introduces the background, the significance as well as the goal, Secondly, analysises present situation of guesthouse industry and designs the chart of systems functional module according to the demand analysis, Finally, introduces one by one to each functional module in detail. Keyword: The Database technology;MFC;SQL server 2000;Guesthouse management system 目 录 序 言 1 第一章 绪论 2 1.1选题的背景 2 1.2研究意义及目的 2 第二章 系统总体分析 4 2.1 系统分析 4 2.1.1系统需求分析 4 2.1.2系统可行性分析 4 2.1.3 系统功能描述 5 2.1.4 功能模块划分 5 2.1.5 系统流程分析 6 2.


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