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What percentage of women leaving university went into finance and administration?
10% 11% 14% 20% 21% How many thousand tonnes of liquids were lifted in 1989?
1.3 1.5 1.9 2.0 None of these How much more per pupil do London authorities spend on staff in secondary schools than in primary schools?
£209 £219 £232 £291 £314 Which one area of employment is least popular among female university leavers?
Cannot say Computing Library Work Marketing Research How much more coal was lifted in 1992 than in 1987?
0.1 thousand tonnes 0.2 thousand tonnes 0.3 thousand tonnes 1.3 thousand tonnes 2.0 thousand tonnes How much more than other authorities do London authorities spend per secondary pupil on premises?
£39 £47 £184 £137 £291 Which was the most popular area of work chosen by women leaving university?
Administration Finance Health Sales Teaching How many thousand tonnes of merchandise and liquids were lifted in 1991?
1.9 2.2 2.8 2.9 3.0 What is the total cost to London authorities per secondary school pupil?
£688 £948 £985 £1,357 £1,427 Into which two areas of employment did a combined 19% of female university leavers go?
Admin Computing Health Research Marketing Admin Teaching Computing Teaching Library In which year was most merchandise carried?
1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 On what do other authorities spend 13.8% of their total outlay per primary school pupil?
Books Equipment Premises Staff Other Cannot say How many women went into teaching when they left university?
140 650 870 910 None of these In 1988 how much more merchandise than liquids was lifted?
0.2 thousand tonnes 0.9 thousand tonnes 1.0 thousand tonnes 1.1 thousand tonnes 2.2 thousand tonnes What is the total expenditure for a primary school in London with 320 pupils?
£300,360 £303,360 £330,306
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