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 CN431258/ TP     计算机工程与科学 20 10 年第 32 卷第 4 期    ISSN 1007130X COM PU T ER EN GIN EER IN G SCIEN CE  Vol32 ,No4 ,20 10   ( ) 文章编号 :1007130X 20 10 040 11405 无线传感器网络在粮情测控系统中的应用 App licatio n of t he Wir ele ss Sen so r s N et wo r k in t he Mea surement an d Co nt rol Sy st em fo r t he Co n ditio n of Sto r edGr ain 张炼冬, 汪秉文 ZHANG Liandong , WANG Bingwen ( 华中科技大学控制科学与工程系 ,湖北 武汉 430074) ( Department of Control Science and Engineering , Huazhong University of Science and Technology , Wuhan 430074 , China) 摘  要 :针对当前粮情测控系统的许多弊端 ,本文采用 IEEE 802 . 15 . 4 无线个域网技术和 IEEE 145 1. 5 智能传感器接 口技术 ,构建了一种新型粮情测控系统 。对该系统中的粮仓无线传感网络 ,给出了无线传感器节点和无线汇聚器节点的硬 件设计 ,并提出了一种适合于粮情数据采集与传输的通信协议 。实践表明 ,采用以上技术实现的新型粮情测控系统具有许 多显著的优点 。 Abstract :To overcome some di sadvant ages of t he current measurement and cont rol syst em for t he condition of stored grain , a new syst em wit h t he same function s i s con st ruct ed u sing two t echnologies —IEEE 802 . 15 . 4 ( st andar d for Wireless Per sonal Network) and IEEE1451. 5 ( st andar d for Smart Tran sducer Int erface for Sen sor s and Act uator s) . Concerning t he wireless sen sor s network in t he barn , t he har dware design s for wireless sen sor nodes and wireless sink nodes are given , and a network communication p rotocol suit able for dat a collection and t ran smi ssion i s al so p ropo sed . The p ractice show s t hat t he new sy st em ba sed on t ho se t echnolo gies ha s many not able advant ages. 关键词 :无线传感器网络 ;粮情测控系统 ;无线传感器节点;


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