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32 10 Vo.l 32 No. 10 2010 10 JournalofUniversity ofScience and Technology Beijing Oct. 2010 黄 奎 莫健华 钟 凯 余立华 史玉升 王从军 , 430074 ( local POE) , , . , , . ; ; ; TH 721 Si ulation of error analysis for flexible articulated ar coordinate easuring achines H UAN G K ui, M O J ianhua, ZH ON G K a i, YU L ihua, SH I Yusheng, WAN G Cong jun Co llage ofM aterials Science an Engineering, Huazhong University of Science an Techno logy, W uhan 430074, China ABSTRACT An i ealm athem atical mo el of flexib le articu late arm coor inate m easuring m achines ( FAACMM ) w as estab lishe base on the local pro uctofexponentials ( Local POE) formu la, an then an actual kinem atic m o el was obtaine by am en ing the i eal m athematicalm o el accor ing to various errors. Various kinematic parameter errorswh ich affect the systemsm easuring precision were analyze etaile ly. S mi u lation results show that the errors of length k inem atic param eters o not cause them easurement results to zoom in or out, but the errors of angle k inem atic param eters shoul result in serious am plification. KEYWORDS coor inatem easuring m ach ine; error analys is; kinem atic mo e;l screw theory , ( flexible articu late , arm coor inatem easuring mach ine, FAACMM ). . , , . , . ( CMM ), , , . [ 6] , , Denavit FaroHexagon( Cmi core Romer D H . ) , Zaragoza Santolaria [ 1] [ 2] .


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