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31 2 矿 冶 工 程 V .l 31 2 2011 04 MININ ANDMETALLUR ICAL EN INEERIN April 2011 刘安平, 张小明 ( , 210041) : , H P500 H6800 , , , : ; ; ; : TD921 : A : 0253- 6099( 2011) 02- 0053- 04 CurrentProduction State ofFine CrushingProcess in Meishan Concentrator andOptimization LIU A nping, ZHANG X ia m ing (M ineralP rocess ing P lant of M eishan M in ing C o L td, B aosteel Group Co, N anj ing 210041, J iang su, Ch ina) Abstract: Current pr ducti n state f and pr b lem s ex ist in the fine crush ing pr cess f M eishan m ineral pr cessing plant w ere intr duced, and the structuralparameters, techn ical pr perties and perati n perf rmance w ere c mpared be tw een crushers HP500 and H 6800. T meet the pr ducti n demand, increase the separati n capacity, and reduce the perati n c sts, s me c rresp nd ing appr aches t ptmi ize the fine crush ing technique w ere pr p sed. Key words: ir n m ineral; grinding; fine crushing; crusher (H6800), 0. 5~ 0 mm , , 2SZG 1500 4000, + 12 mm , - 12 mm 1 () 400, , , : , ; , - 0. 074 mm 70%, , , ; , 1 1 1. 1 1. 2 PYB - , 50~ 20 mm 1 2200, 20 70 2200 , 2004H 6800 ( PYB - 2200 ) 3 PYB -1 1 : : ( 1963- ), , , , , , 54 31 H6800, 3 , H6800, H6800 , , ,


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