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第31 卷第2 期 石 油 钻 采 工 艺 Vol. 31 No. 2 2009 年4 月 OIL DRILLING PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY Apr. 2009 1000 – 7393 2009 02 – 0118 – 03 文章编号: ( ) 水下机器人在渤海海底光缆调查中的应用 陶  林 1  刘 小 刚 2  张 垲 莘 1 (1. 中海油能源发展监督监理技术公司,天津 300452 ;2. 中海石油 (中国)有限公司天津分公司钻井部,天津 300452) 摘要:渤海辽东湾A 构造区域受海底电缆的影响一直未能进行钻探评价,为了保证海底光缆的安全和钻井平台一次就位 成功,将水下机器人技术首次应用于渤海来确定海底光缆的准确位置。介绍了水下机器人、TSS440 光缆探测系统、差分定位系 统、水下定位系统等光缆探测设备及探测作业过程。现场应用表明,应用水下机器人技术可克服辽东湾水浅浑浊和水流影响的 困难,成功绘制出海底光缆位置坐标和图,为该区块的钻井平台就位钻探评价井作业提供可靠的保证。 关键词:水下机器人;渤海;海底光缆;调查 中图分类号:TP 242   文献标识码:A Application of underwater vehicles to submarine cable survey in the Bohai Sea 1 2 1 TAO Lin , LIU Xiaogang , ZHANG Kaishen (1. Cn ooC energy Technology Services-Sup ervision Technology Co., Tianj in 300452, China; 2. Drilling Dep artment of Cn ooC energy Technology Services Limited Tianj in Branch, Tianj in 300452, China) Abstract: To ensure the security of submarine cables and the successful in-position of the drilling platform for one time, the technology of using underwater vehicles is applied to the Bohai Sea for the first time, so as to determine the exact position of submarine cables. In this paper, the cable surveying equipment including the underwater vehicle, TSS440 cable surveying system, differential posi- tioning system and underwater positioning system, and the surveying process are introduced. Field application shows that the use of un- derwater vehicles can help overcome the difficulties in Liaodong Bay, such as the shallow and turbid water, and the effect of water flow. The successful mapping of the position coordinates and maps of submarine cables guarantee


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