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2000 1 10 CON ST RU CT IO N T E CHN OL O GY 29 1 上海外滩金融中心深基坑施工技术 刘少福, 罗建华 ( 中建七局( 上海) 有限公司, 上海 2018 12) [ ] , , , , , [ ] ; ; ; ; [ ] T U 75 3 1 [ ] B [ ] 1002 -849 8( 2000) 01-0010-02 - Construction Technology in Large scale Deep Foundation Pit of Shanghai Exterior-beach Financial Center - - LIU Shao f u LUO Jian hua ( S hang ha i Comp any , S ev enth D iv ision of Ch ina Construct ion E ng ineering Corp orat ion , S hang ha i 20 18 12) Abstract: In t he con st ru ct ion of the deep f oundat ion pit of t he Ex terior -beach Financial Cent er, w it h the ap- plicat ion of t he ret aining and prot ect ing schemes of t w o-in -one underg round continuo us w all , ho led -pile co mpar tm ent w all , reinf orced concr et e inner support ing and deep st irring pile, t hickened mu sh jet ting and do uble-liquid m ush jet ting T he unb alanced loading bet w een east and w est ar eas and t he secondary def or- , mat ion of cont inuou s w all are solved and cont rolled M eanw hile t he surro unding environment and t he safe- ty of f oundat ion pit ar e assur ed succes sf ully by lay ing dow n t he prop er m et hod of ear th ex cav at ion , r oute and suppo rt ing co nst ruct io n scheme and int en sify ing mo nit oring of t he environment : ; ; Key words ret aining and pr ot ect ing f or fo undat ion p it underg round cont inuou s w all deep w ell vacuum dr aining ; ear th ex cavat ion ; inf orm ationalized con stru ction


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