复合水凝胶调剖剂 P(AM-DMDAAC)CB 的制备及性能研究.pdf

复合水凝胶调剖剂 P(AM-DMDAAC)CB 的制备及性能研究.pdf

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复合水凝胶调剖剂 P(AM-DMDAAC)CB 的制备及性能研究.pdf

              ()             51 2015 4   62 Journal of Northw est Normal U niversity (Natural Science )             Vol.51  2015  No.4   P (A M‐D MDA A C ) CB 1 ,2 2 2 1 3 , , ,   , (1 . ,   300457 ; 2 . ,   300457 ; 3 . ,   138001) : (AM )、 (DMDA AC ), (CB ), N ,N ′‐ (MBA ), , , P (AM ‐DMDAAC )/CB . SEM XRD CB , . : A M DMDAAC 9∶1 , MBA 0.16% ( , ), CB 100% , (, 1∶1) 0.08% , 55 ℃ . , CB , CB 100% , , 50% , . : ; ; ; ; : T Q 177         : A         : 1001‐988Ⅹ (2015)04‐0062‐05 P reparatio n and proper ties of P (A M ‐D M D A A C ) CB co m po site hy dro g el as prof ile co nt rol ag ent C HEN G Shao‐ling1 ,2 , H U A N G Chun‐long2 , Z HA N G Ya‐ ei2 , W U Zhen1 , Q U Zhi‐hui3 p (1 . College of Science , T ianjin U niversity of Science and T echnology , T ianjin 300457 , China ; 2 . College of M aterials Science and Chemical Engineering , T ianjin U niversity of Science and T echnology , T ianjin 300457 , China ; 3 . Jilin Songyuan Petroleum and Chemical Corporation , Songyuan 138001 , Jilin , China ) Abstract : In this w ork , a ty pe of compo site hy drogel as a profile control agent based on the acrylamide (A M ), diallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride (DM DA A C ), and calcium bentoniteand (CB ) is prepared w ith f ree radical solution poly merization using ammonium persulf ate /sodium bisulf ate as a redox initiating pair , and N ,N ′‐methylene‐bis‐acrylamide (MBA ) as a cro sslinker . T he morphology and the cry stal def ormation are chara


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