Designing traffic profiles for bursty internet traffic.pdf

Designing traffic profiles for bursty internet traffic.pdf

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Designing traffic profiles for bursty internet traffic

Designing Traffic Profiles for Bursty Internet Traffic Xiaowei Yang MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Cambridge, MA 02139 yxw@ Abstract An example of a non-conforming stream is one that has a This paper proposes a new class of traffic profiles that is much higher expected transmission rate than that allowed better suited for metering bursty Internet traffic streams by a traffic profile. than the traditional token bucket profile. A good traffic It is desirable to have a range of traffic profiles for differ- profile should satisfy two criteria: first, it should consider ent classes of traffic, and for differentiation within a class. For example, traffic streams generated by constant bit rate packets from a conforming traffic stream as in-profile with high probability to ensure a strong QoS guarantee; second, video applications have quite different statistics than those it should limit the network resources consumed by a non- generated by web browsing sessions, thus require different conforming traffic stream to no more than that consumed profiles to meet their QoS requirements. It is worth noting by a conforming stream. We model a bursty Internet traffic that the type of traffic we consider in this paper is most of- stream as an ON/OFF stream, where both the ON-period ten generated by document transfers, such as web browsing. and the OFF-period have a heavy-tailed distribution. Our Trad



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