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J ournal of Donghua Univ er sit y ( Eng . Ed . ) V ol . 23 , N o . 5 (2006)   27 I mp act of Art ifici al Per sp ir at ion on Ph ot ost abilit y of React ive D yes on Cellulose ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Z HUAN G D eh u a 庄德华 , Z HAN G L iyu a n 张栗源 , PAN D aw ei 潘大伟 , H E J inxi n 何瑾馨 Col leg e of Chem is t ry an d Chem ical Eng i neeri ng , D ong h ua Uni vers ity , S hang hai  2 0162 0 The p hot oreact i ons between met abolic p r oduct s of h u m a n   I n r ece nt ye ars , h ow ever , a n ew p r oblem h as arise n in sweat a n d dyest uff s on gar ment s m ay p r oduce m any t oxic t h e e n d use of r e act ive dyes : nu m er ous r e act ive dyes wit h s ubst ances w hich coul d dir ect ly cont act s kin an d t hreat en excelle nt light f ast n ess sh ow ext r em ely l ow st abilit y on hu m an healt h . In or der t o invest igat e t he i mp act of t he cellul ose f ibers un der si mult a n e ous exp osur e t o light an d p ersp ir at ion on p h ot of a ding of react ive dyes on cellulose , p ersp ir at i on [6 ,7 ] . M or e crit ically , t h e p h ot or e act i ons ni ne com merci al react ive dyes belonging t o t hree t yp es of bet w een m et ab olic p r oducts of h um a n sw e at a n d dyest uf f s chr om op h ores ( azo , Cucomp


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