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10 30 2010 10 V o l10 N o30 O ct2010 1671 1815 ( 2010) Sc ience T echnology and Eng ineer ing 20 10 SciT echEngng N三甲基赖氨酸合成中甲基化 反应温度与 pH关系的研究 * 范晓宇 李 群 王艳玮 孔合心 ( 26607 1) 摘 要 实验以 L赖氨酸盐酸盐和无水氯化锌为原料 以碳酸二甲酯为甲基化试剂合成昆布氨酸( 又称 N 三甲基赖氨酸) 改 甲基化反应温度 分别为 15 30 50 60 65 70 用 pH 计测定反应过程中 pH 值的 化 探讨甲基化反应中 pH 随温度 化的规律 并作出相应的规律曲线 分析得到最佳反应温度为 65 关键词 N三甲基赖氨酸 甲基化 合成 温度 pH 中图法分类号 TQ 4603; 文献 志码 B [ 9 10] L am in ine is a k ind o f nonpro te in am ino acid cessively published m any papers . M ethy lation is w hich h as specia l physio log ica l funct ions in ke lp su ch the m ost mi portant react ion of the lam in ine synthesis. as low er cho lestero l low er cho lesterol antiplate let R esearches at hom e and abroad don tm ent ion about the condensed prevent ing hem al atherosclerosis. So lam i rea lation sh ip betw een tem preature and pH in the n ine can effective ly preven t hyperten sion and intracere process of m ethylat ion. Th is pap er is b ased on the b io [ 1] bra l hem orrhage . A t presen t it is the new type m a m mi etic synthesis of lam inine ch ang ing the tem pera rine cand idate m ed icine at deve lop ing stage and is not ture of m ethy la tion m easuring the changing of the pH ava ilab le on the m arke t around the w orld. M eanwh ile valu es and curveplott ing to determ ine the reaction end it is m


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