Performance Evaluation of MIMO System Incorporating Water Filling Model and Minimum Eigenvalue.pdf

Performance Evaluation of MIMO System Incorporating Water Filling Model and Minimum Eigenvalue.pdf

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Performance Evaluation of MIMO System Incorporating Water Filling Model and Minimum Eigenvalue

th Proceedings of 2009 12 International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT 2009) 21-23 December, 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh Performance Evaluation of MIMO System Incorporating Water Filling Model and Minimum Eigenvalue Constraints Nur Afroza Khurshld, Md. tmdaduljstam, and M. R. Amint tDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, Jahangimagar University, Savar, Dhaka 1342, Bangladesh +Department ofElectronics and Communications Engineering, East West University, 43 Mohakhali, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh, ramin@ewubd Abstract the quality or BER (Bit Error Rate) or data rate of the In this paper, both equal power and water filling mod- communication for each MIMO user will be improved els are simulated for comparison of their performance [5]. A MIMO approach is to transmit and receive two or in a multiple-input multiple-output environment. The more unique data streams through a single radio chan- effects offast fading and the shadowing effects have nel, i.e, the system can deliver two or more times the been incorporated in the models. Minimum eigenvalue data rate per channel. By allowing for the simultaneous required for successful transmissionfor individual link transmission of multiple data streams, MIMO multiplies is evaluated from the probability density functions of wireless data capacity without using additional frequen- eigenvalue and equivalent uncoupled multiple-input cy spectrum [6], [7]. Therefore, MIMO systems play an multiple-output link. Impact of the num


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