Revised GoalsBased Evaluation (GBER).ppt

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Revised GoalsBased Evaluation (GBER)

* Litmus Test If the identified performance weaknesses fall exclusively into APS 10 (Fulfilling Professional Responsibilities), there is a possibility that the problem may be related to conduct rather than to competence. If that is the case, you should develop an Improvement Plan rather than relying on Competence-Building GBE. * PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT TEACHING COMPETENCE Good Bad Good Bad IP + RD GBE RD GBE C-B GBE IP + C-B GBE * During Competence-Building GBE the Supervisor must. . . bring the specific performance weakness(es) to the attention of the educator, establish goals to ameliorate the weakness(es), ensure that reasonable efforts are made to assist the educator, and allow reasonable time for improvement. * Vignette 3 * What about competence-building goals? Goals must address ongoing performance weaknesses that have been identified and documented. Goals must relate to one or more APSs. An educator cannot be required to work on more than three goals at one time. Goals focus primarily on the first three levels of the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (i.e., Remember, Understand, and Apply). * What about supervisors? The supervisor must be a school- or district-level administrator. This administrator plays a major role in developing and monitoring the educator’s professional growth and development (PGD) plan. * Competence-Building GBE Strategies. . . are included in the PGD plan. are sets of activities that are likely to be useful or helpful in achieving the goal. are likely to involve some activities that may be used for certificate renewal. are NOT to be confused with accomplishing the goal. * About the PGD Plan The PGD plan is typically monitored at least twice annually, with the last monitoring occurring before April 15th. Optional templates for Competence-Building PGD plans are available on the Web at . * Possible Outcomes Competence- Building GBE If goal is met: If satisfactory progress: If not met or unsatisfactory progress: Continue C-B GBE Develop new



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