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SWAT模型及其在农业面源污染研究中的应用 作者: 王培, 马友华, 赵艳萍, 石润圭, 黄文星, 刘洁, 王桂苓 作者单位: 王培,马友华,赵艳萍,刘洁,王桂苓(安徽农业大学资源环境与信息技术研究所,安徽,合肥 ,230036), 石润圭,黄文星(安徽省农业生态环境总站,安徽,合肥,230001) 刊名: 农业环境与发展 英文刊名: AGRO-ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 年,卷(期): 2008,25(5) 被引用次数: 0次 参考文献(46条) 1.Tsihrintzis V A.Hamid R Modeling and management of urban storm water runoff quality:A review 1997(02) 2.Heng qing H H.Nikolaidis N P Modeling of non-point source pollution of nltrogen at the watershed scale 1998(02) 3.杨大文.李狲.倪广恒 分布式水文模型在黄河流域的应用[期刊论文]-地理学报 2004(01) 4.樊明兰 基于DEM的分布式水文模型在中尺度径流模拟中的应用研究[学位论文] 2004 5.张珂 基于DEM栅格和地形的分布式水文模型构建及其应用[学位论文] 2005 6.郭太英 基于DEM的分布式水文模型的研究与应用[学位论文] 2005 7.Neitsch S L.Arnold J G.Kiniry J R Soil and water assessment tools theoretical documentation,version 2000[TWRI report TR-191] 2002 8.Arnold J G.J R Williams Validation of SWRRB:Simulator for water resources in rural basins 1987(02) 9.Arnold J G.P M Allen A comprehensive surface-ground water flow model 1993(1-4) 10.Arnold J G.P M Allen Automated methods for estimating base flow and groundwater recharge from stream flow records 1999(02) 11.Arnold J G.J R Williams.D R Maidment Continuous time water and sediment-routing model for large basins 1995(02) 12.Arnold J G.RSrinivasan.R S Muttiah Large area hydrologic modeling and assessment:Part I.Model development 1998(01) 13.Arnold J G.R Srinivasan.R S Muttiah Continental-scale simulation of the hydrologic balance 1999(05) 14.Jayakrishnan R.Srinivaaan R.Santhi C Advances in the Application of the SWAT Model for Water Resources Management 2005(19) 15.Bekiaris I G.Panagopanlos I N.Mimikou M A Application of the SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool)Model in the Ronnea Catchnmnts of Sweden 2005(03) 16.梁犁丽.汪党献.王芳 SWAT模型及其应用进展研究[期刊论文]-中国水利水电科学研究院学报 2007(02) 17.Griensven A V.Bauwens W Application and evaluation of SWAT on the Dender basin and the Wister Lake basin 2005(



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