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( ) ( ) , 2008 3 , Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis ( Online First) , No . 3, Sept . 30, 2008 pkuxbw 2008047 http bdxbw . chinajournal . net . cn 一种高分辨率多光谱图像的多尺度分割方法 1 1, 2 郭建聪 李培军 肖晓柏 1, 100871; 2 ( Autodesk) , 200001; , Email pjli@ pku. edu . cn , , , , , ( ) , , , , ; ; ; P231 A Hierarchical Segmentation Method for Multispectral Imagery 1 1, 2 GUO Jiancong , LI Peijun , XIAO Xiaobai 1 In stitute of Remote Sensing and GIS, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University , Beijing 10087 1; 2Autodesk Design Softw are ( Sh anghai) Co. , Ltd , Shanghai 200001; Corresponding Author, Em ail pj li@ pku . edu. cn Abstract A hierarchical segm entation method is proposed for multispectral imagery by combining extended w atershed transf orm and dynamics of contours . First , the gradient m agnitude of an image is computed, and then local irrelevant m inima are elim inated . After computing dynamics of contours, hierarchical ( multi level) segmentation result s are produ ced by thresholding. The proposed method is evaluated w ith a high spatial resolution image of the urban area, and compared with the existing image segmentation m ethod . The results show that the m ethod can get hierarchical segmentation results, and segm ente most of image obj ects . The segm entation results g ive the hierarchical representation of land cover types, which is helpful f or further object b ased analysis . Key words multispectral im agery



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