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河南农业科学 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 张丽荣 , 康萍芝 , 沈瑞清 , 郭成瑾 , 朱建祥, 哈金华 , 吴惠玲 ( 1. , 750002; 2. , 753600) : 利用 iologECO 技术对新垦农田不同作物种植模式下土壤微生物群落功能多样性进行 研究结果表明: 不同作物种植模式对新垦农田土壤微生物群落功能多样性均有很大影响与6 年连作小麦相比较, 头3 年连种大蒜再轮作小麦的土壤微生物对全部碳源的利用能力最强, 生理代 谢活性最高,在0~ 144h 内其平均颜色变化率( AWCD) 变化最显著, 土壤微生物群落优势度多样 性指数及均匀度也相对较高, 说明该种作物种植模式对土壤微生物群落结构和功能多样性影响最 大, 可有效改善土壤贫瘠状况 : 种植模式; 新垦农田; iologECO; 土壤微生物; 功能多样性 : S344. 1 S154. 3 : A : 2009) Effects of Different Crop Planting Patterns on Functional Diversity of Soil Microbial Communities on Newly Developed Lands 1 1 1 1 ZHANG Lirong , KANG Pingzhi , SHEN Ruiqing , GUO Chengjin , 2 2 2 ZHU Jianxiang , HA Jinhua , WU Huiling ( 1.Institute of Plant Protection,Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science, Yinchuan 750002,China; 2.Huinong Region Agricultural Technique Extension Centure of Ningxia Shizuishan City, Shizuishan 753600,China) Abstract: Functional diversity of soil microbial communities under different planting patterns of seven kinds crop on newly developed lands was investigated with the iologECO technique. Ex perimental results showed that different planting patterns affected functional diversity of soil mi crobial communities greatly. Compared with continuously cropped wheat for six years, the abili ties of soil microbes using all carbon sources were the strongest under continuously cropped garlic for three years and rotated wheat, and its metabolizing activities also were the highest, especially the AWCD value of using all carbon sources were changed o



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