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28 6 Vol. 28, No. 6 2008 6 ACTA ECOLOGICA SINICA Jun., 2008 1, 2 1 1 1 1, * 吴 凡 , 李传荣, 崔 萍 , 夏尚远 , 刘训理 ( 1. , 271018; 2. , 430064) : ,, BOX-PCR , :,; , , , BOX-PCR , DNA, , BOX-PCR 0. 2, 71 33, 33 28, : ;; ; : 1000-0933(2008) 06-2674-08 : Q143, Q145, Q938 : A Population analysis ofm ulberry rhizospherem icrobes in different soil fertilities 1, 2 1 1 1 1, * WU Fan , LI Chuan-Rong, CUIPing , XIA Shang-Yuan , LIU Xun-Li 1Forestry College, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian 271018, China 2Industrial Crop s Institute of H ubeiA cademy of Agricultural Sciences, Wuhan 430064, China A cta E co log ica S in ica, 2 8, 28( 6) : 2674~ 2681. Abstract: The rhizosphere soils were sa pled by three-point-sa pling ethod fro ulberry fields of different fertility levels inTaian, Shandong Province. The ulberry variety planted wasHusang 32 and of 8 yearscwood age. Rhizosphere bacteria, fungi and actino yces in both fertile and infertile soils were isolated and cultivated by plates prepared w ith selective edia, and the populations of each kind of icrobes were exa ined by CFU counting. Rhizosphere bacteria interested included total bacteria, azotobacter, phosphate-dissolving bacteria and potassiu -dissolving bacteria. BOX poly erase chain reaction (BOX-PCR) was used to fingerprint different rhizosphere bacteria. The ain resultswere as follows: the rhizosphere bacteria, azotobacter, phosphate-dissolving bacteria, potassiu -dissolving bacteria and actino yces in fertile soilswere ore abundant than those in infertile soi



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