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学号: 江 苏 工 业 学 院 毕业设计(论文) (2009届) 题 目 人体静电的实验测试与安全研究 学 生 徐 梓 凯 学 院 环境与安全工程学院 专 业 班 级 安 全 051 校内指导教师 邵 辉 专业技术职务 教 授 二○○人们对电的认识是从静电开始的。雷电实质上就是大自然中一种强有力的静电放电现象。古书中所谓顿牟掇芥,即琥珀(顿牟)吸引轻小物体(掇芥)的记载实质上就是静电现象的记载。棉织内衣与棉织外衣在不同情况下的静电电压;棉织内衣与羊毛外衣在不同情况下的静电电压;棉织品内衣与锦纶织品外衣在不同情况下的静电电压锦纶织品工作服与人体带电的;棉织品工作服与人体带电的人体电阻测试 关键词:静电;实验测试;安全研究 Experimental Test and Security Research for The Human Body Static Electricity Abstract:Peoples understanding of electricity started from the static. Lightning is essentially a powerful natural electrostatic discharge phenomenon. Books in the so-called Dun Mu Duo Jie , that is, amber (Dun Mu) light to attract small objects is the essence of the records documented the phenomenon of static electricity. The human body static electricity is a kind of is a common phenomenon. in the production process can sometimes result in serious hazard, or even result in very serious disaster. Active medium in a place of production, weak static electric spark that put the fire may cause rapid or strong explosions, causing a great loss to lives and property. Benzene tanks and other flammable liquids, flammable gas container exploded, powder and other powder explosion, the giant oil tankers, such as static electricity caused the explosion is that many of the examples. But also through the human body electrostatic discharge may give rise to an electric shock suffered. By the production process of the static electric shocks caused by static electricity may not directly cause fatal, but may be caused by more serious secondary accidents, will enable staff to mental stress is not conducive to safe production. Electrostatic force people against all kinds of efforts have to study it. Especially with the chemical industry, petroleum industry, electronics industry, such as the rapid development of modern industry, with



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