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第 8 卷 第 3 期 供 水 技 术 Vol. 8 No. 3 2014 年 6 月 WATER TECHNOLOGY Jun. 2014 关于自来水中红虫问题的分析 张伟 杰, 李庆云 , 张 圆 ( 佛 山市水业集 团有限公 司 市 区供水分公 司,广 东 佛 山 528000) : A 10 , 摘 要 针对华 南某市 区近 年 自来水红虫的投诉 处理情况进行 了数据统计及分析 并 , , 。 , 结合红虫孵化试验 探讨 了红虫污染形成的原 因 总结 了防治措施 结果表 明 红虫 问题 主要由 用 , 。 户处卫生环境差及二次供水污染引起 并具有季节规律 : ; ; ; ; 关键词 自来水 红虫 摇蚊幼虫 红虫投诉 红虫污染 中图分类号:TU991 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1673 - 9353 (2014)03 - 0038 - 04 doi :10. 3969 /j. issn. 1673 - 9353. 2014. 03. 010 Analysis of red worm issues in tap water Zhang Weijie , Li Qingyun , Zhang Yuan (Urban Water Supply Branch,Foshan Water Group Co.,Ltd.,Foshan 528000 ,China) Abstract : Based on the complaint records of red worms in tap water from A district of a city in Southern China about ten years ,the statistic analysis of data was conducted. Combined with red worms incubation test ,the reasons of the formation of red worms contamination were discussed ,and the prevention measures were concluded. The results indicated that the red worms issues were mainly caused by poor sanitation at the users and the contamination of secondary water supply ,and the issues had seasonal regularity. Key words : tap water ; red worms ; chironomid larvae ; complaint of red worm issues ; red worm contamination 供 , , 水行业中红虫的污染在国内外都有报道 有 征的生物是完全不同的三类水生生物 它们差异较


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