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第 40 卷 第 6 期 电力系统保护与控制 Vol.40 No.6 2012 年 3 月 16 日 Power System Protection and Control Mar. 16, 2012 利用合理弃风提高大规模风电消纳能力的理论研究 刘新东,方 科,陈焕远,佘彩绮 (暨南大学电气信息学院,广东 珠海 519070) 摘要:由于风电具有间歇性和反调峰性,其大规模接入电网必将影响电力系统各个方面。针对大规模风电接入电网将会恶化 系统调峰的问题,提出在现有电源结构的情况下,利用合理弃风提高大规模风电消纳能力的理论研究方法。从风电反调峰性 的角度论证了合理弃风的必要性和可行性。利用weibull分布拟合等效负荷曲线并作为分析依据,量化弃风功率对调峰的改 善系数和弃风对风电发电容量的影响。以甘肃和陕甘青宁电网为例,对该方法进行验证,结果表明可以通过合理弃风放弃部 分风电发电容量来改善系统调峰性能,提高大规模风电消纳能力,也可为电网规划人员提供决策支持。 关键词:电力系统;风力发电;并网;合理弃风 Research on rational wind power casting theory for large-scale wind power integration improvement LIU Xin-dong, FANG Ke, CHEN Huan-yuan, SHE Cai-qi (College of Electrical Information Engineering, Jinan University, Zhuhai 519070, China) Abstract: Large-scale wind power integration has exerted negative influence on the power system, because of the intermittency and anti-peak-regulation of wind power. A rational wind power casting theory is presented. Firstly, the paper proves its necessity and feasibility from the viewpoint of anti-peak-regulation, then utilizes weibull distribution to fit equivalent load curve, and quantifies the relationship among casting wind power, peak-regulation improvement and wind power generation capacity. Taking the Gansu and Shang-Gan-Ning power system as example, the results show that by way of wind power generation capacity casting, the peak-regulation of system can be improved, and the conclusion can provide scientific basis for the power system dispatchers. This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No.21611382). Key words: power system; wind power; integration; rational wind power casting 中图分类号: TM71 文献标识码:


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