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Service Quality 16 3( 88) 2009 5 * 孙 葵 尹文强 黄冬梅 张宜民 李艳丽 探讨医生工作满意度构成要素中关键影 因素 以课题组编制的医生工作满意度量表作 为测量工具, 按照分层随机抽样的原则抽取山东省湖北省河北省和内蒙古自治区 4省(自治区) 12 个城市不同级别医 院中的 5 677名医生进行问卷调查首先采用因子分析萃取因素,以提取的公因子作为医生工作满意度内部因素, 然后 进行因素重要性推导, 以发现内部各因素中关键影 因素 在 12 个医生工作满意度内部因素中, 组织管理宏观 制度环境物质回报精神回报工作条件属于关键影 因素 卫生管理部门在采取相关提高医生工作满意度的 措施时,应适当向上述 5方面倾斜 医生; 满意度; 因素重要性推导模型 Key Influence Factorsand Countermeasures on Physicians Satisfaction level/SUN Ku,i YINW enqiang, UANG Dongmei, et al. //Chinese ealth QualityManagement, 2009, 16(3): 43- 46 Abstract Obj ective o investigate the key problems thatneed to be solved preferentially among the internal factors of phy- siciansjob satisfaction.M ethod he study takes physiciansjob satisfaction of governmental hospital scale asmeasurement tool, 5677 physicians of 12 cities from four provinces of our country were investigated. Firstusing factor analysis to extract factors, take the factors as internal factors of physician job satisfaction. hen, using mi portant quadrantmodel to find out theproblems needed to be solved preferentially. R esult Among the internal factors organizationalmanagemen,t macroscopic system environm ent, ma- terial return, spiritual return, working condition needed to be solved preferentially. Conclusion he health authorities should take some measures to solve the above problems to mi prove physicians job satisfaction. Keywords Physician; Satisfaction; ImportantQuadrantModel First-authors address Department ofH ealthManagem ent, W eifang MedicalCollege, Weifang, Shangdong, 261042, China Hop- , pock( 1935 ) ( Job Satisfaction) , [ 2~ 7] , 1


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